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Online TNb analyser QuickTONultra

  • Measurement range: 0 - 200 mg/l N
  • Response time: 1 - 2 minutes
  • Highest combustion temperature (1,200°C) available on the market
  • Measurement of complete samples incl. solids/ particles
  • Excellent detection value from ammonia and nitrate nitrogen
  • High salt concentrations possible
  • Catalyst-free technique
  • No filtration necessary
  • No memory effects
  • According to DIN EN 12260:2003 and ISO/TR 11905-2:1997



  • FlowSampler
  • Multi-stream measurement
  • Combination with COD and TOC detection


  • IP54 (Standard)
  • NEMA 4X
  • ATEX Zone I
  • ATEX Zone II

Online TNb for waste water and process water.

The accumulation of Nitrogen compounds in water leads to an unwanted increase of nutrients (euthrophication). Such an exceeding leads to a harmful plant growth. Certain plants such as algae for instance spread rampantly and disturb the ecological balance massively. Hence, the TNb is an important parameter for the assessment of waste water.

The QuickTONultra is the ultimate online TNb analyser for the determination of total nitrogen bound (TNb) in waste water and process water applications.

Exact Analysis. At 1,200°C, the complete TN is determined.

For an exact TNb measurement all nitrogen bonds - incl. particles - must be reliably combusted. LAR's unique robot system is capable of transporting and measuring a high content of solid matter without any filtration of the sample. Additionally, LAR's high temperature method with combustion at 1,200°C guarantees the complete oxidation of the sample.

Catalysts. For our analysers simply not necessary.

Lower temperatures at 680-1,000°C need catalysts to provide satisfying oxidation power.Even then complex compounds often are not determined. Because of the high temperature the QuickTONultra does not need any catalysts.

High salt concentrations. No problem with the QuickTONultra.

This online TNb analyser can handle salt concentrations up to even 300 g/l sodium chloride (NaCl). Salts that melt at the temperature of 1,200°C are vaporised by the combustion power and carried out with the carrier gas to settle in a special retrieving device.

The QuickTONultra. Ultra quick measurements and maintenance.

The QuickTONultra is designed to operate in a batch mode. The TNb measurement takes place in within 1 - 2 minutes. This speed guarantees that very short peaks can be determined very well during a daily cycle.

The analyser's availability is over 98%. The weekly service is about 30 minutes.