Of recent years,Industry of China has steadily expanded,economy has step into a mushroom stage,but at the same time,condition of our life sustained a serious pollutions,for example:our water has been poisoned with waste water from the factory,which make us cann't breath fresh air.So,everybody of us should face up to the responsibilities of "solve pollution problem".
Biotech JSB (Hamburg) GmbH considerable funds and has passel professional with high level and high technology.Our company manage environmental protection equipment with the tenet of "improve the health of the people,create wonderful environment together".The company has strict in management system and high management efficiency since The company's bicentenary,our company will offer "product of high quality,service of efficient" to everybody,our technical personnel will offer you technical answer with sincerity.
The development of economic requirs us enrich our mental life,but pollution is a enamy in life,everybody of us has the responsibilities of protection national environment,hope that environmental protechtion department as well as everybody support environmental protechtion,Biotech join hand with you to create a wonderful future.